Last week, hundreds of people across the country—from Alabama to Pennsylvania, Texas to Wisconsin—took action with the Nonviolent Medicaid Army to demand health care as a human right amidst a pandemic that has killed over 670,000 people.
Check out this story on the candlelight vigil in Johnstown, PA and this powerful video of Friday’s rallyto stop the only hospital in Mt. Vernon, NY from being closed.
In Vermont, we rallied outside the Brattleboro urgent care center, denounced health insurance rate hikes at Blue Cross in Berlin, handed out Hot Dogs for Health Care in St. Johnsbury, and marched for Medicaid in Barre on Saturday.
On Sunday, VWC leader Julie Brisson joined the Freedom Church of the Poor online service with other Nonviolent Medicaid Army leaders. Check out photos from the Vermont actions below, and follow Nonviolent Medicaid Army on Facebook for more!
Art Build in Windsor

Honk and Wave at Brattleboro Urgent Care

Human Billboard at Blue Cross in Berlin (Click for Livestream)

Hot Dogs for Health Care in St. Johnsbury

March for Medicaid in Barre