Our Mission & Strategic Orientation

The Vermont Workers’ Center is a democratic, member-run organization dedicated to organizing for the human rights of the people of Vermont.
We seek an economically just and democratic Vermont in which all residents’ can meet their human needs and enjoy their human rights, including dignified work, universal healthcare, housing, education, childcare, transportation and a healthy environment.
We work to build a democratic, diverse movement of people affected by injustice that is locally focused, coordinated statewide, and connected nationally.
We work with organized labor to strengthen workers’ rights, and with other allied organizations in support of other human rights.
We are committed to taking action on the full range of issues of concern to people most impacted by economic and social injustice, and to building strategic alliances nationally and internationally.

- We must grow a large and committed base to engage in collective struggle and build our power.
- We must act together to hold those in power accountable for ensuring our rights.
- We must make a leader of each of us and educate ourselves well in both history and strategy.
- We must use a consistent human rights framework to facilitate our organizing, develop our campaigns and formulate our policy positions.
- We must tell our own stories to counter the influence of mainstream media controlled by those in power.
- We must seek to fund our movement from our base, so that we are accountable only to our members.
- We must foster solidarity and build a broader movement by joining with other groups seeking economic and social justice.
- We believe that the most effective means of change is people engaging in collective struggle to place direct demands upon those who hold power.