REGISTER NOW: Jan 26th Building Worker Justice Movement

The Vermont Workers’ Center is pleased to announce that on January 26, workers, students, educators and health care providers from around the state will be gathering at Building a Movement for Worker Justice.  This will be a three part conference, geared...
2008 People’s Calendar now available

2008 People’s Calendar now available

The 2008 People’s Calendar celebrates the 10th Anniversary of the Vermont Workers’ Center and has great photos of workers’ rights struggles and victories in VT from the past decade (like the cover shot is from the 2002 Fletcher Allen nurses union...

SiCKO film & discussion at UVM Nov. 14th

Film: SiCKO film and Panel discussion about establishing a universal health care system [POST EVENT NOTE: Huge turnout, 350+, great job to all the organizers!!]6:00pm, Weds, Nov 14thCC Theater (Billings Theater), University of Vermont, BurlingtonFree Admission...
We have a real CENTER! Open House Party Nov. 17th

We have a real CENTER! Open House Party Nov. 17th

294 N. Winooski Ave (next to Imani), Burlington (sign coming soon, above added in Photoshop). [ more about the center | photos from November 17 housewarming party ] We are very excited to have a real Vermont Workers’ Center space and its...