About Us

Founded in 1998, the Vermont Workers’ Center is a statewide organization of everyday people fighting for economic justice and human dignity.
Together with partner organizations across the country, we’re building the Nonviolent Medicaid Army: a politically independent force of the poor and dispossessed, fighting for Medicaid for all and understanding healthcare to be a strategic front of struggle to unite the working class.
Through the Medicaid Cutoffs Organizing Drive, local campaigns to keep our hospitals and health centers open, People’s Clinics and #MedicaidMondays, we’re getting organized — from the Northeast Kingdom to Burlington and Brattleboro. Who are we? The Medicaid Army!
Our History

The Vermont Workers’ Center was founded in 1998 by low-wage workers in central Vermont. Through community outreach and the Vermont Workers’ Rights Hotline, which fielded hundreds of calls a year, we helped workers organize to form unions and fight for fair contracts at their workplaces. VWC members led campaigns for livable wages, joined protests against unfair trade policies, and rallied alongside veterans opposed to the US government’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Following the 2008 financial crisis, we launched the Healthcare is a Human Right Campaign, surveying 1200 people and releasing Voices of the Vermont Healthcare Crisis, a report detailing the depth and breadth of the healthcare crisis in Vermont. Hundreds of people shared their stories at people’s healthcare forums across the state. On May 1st, 2009—International Workers’ Day—the Campaign rallied in front of the statehouse calling on lawmakers to pass a universal healthcare bill grounded in human rights principles.
Thanks to our efforts and the work of many others, in 2011 Governor Peter Shumlin signed Act 48 into law, establishing the nation’s first universal, publicly financed healthcare system and a Green Mountain Care Board to oversee it. Despite these legislative victories, however, we found ourselves facing a well-funded counter-offensive by the health insurance industry and big business associations seeking to block the implementation of universal healthcare.

In 2014, Gov. Shumlin caved to this pressure and abandoned Act 48, despite his own financing plan showing the policy would reduce healthcare costs for 93 percent of Vermont families. In response, hundreds rallied inside the Vermont statehouse, with 29 people arrested in a sit-in calling on lawmakers to implement universal healthcare. Yet despite the clear moral stakes and policy path forward—including a financing bill in the House backed by 100+ economists—Vermont’s legislative leadership chose to stick with the governor and deny their constituents access to affordable healthcare.

Rebuilding momentum to fulfill the promise of Act 48, VWC members set to work holding the Green Mountain Care Board accountable for skyrocketing health insurance rates, supporting the unionization of Vermont healthcare workers, and opposing the for-profit consolidation of our region’s hospitals under UVM Health Network. In 2018, we helped anchor the launch of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival in Vermont, and kicked off a series of Marches for Medicaid in St. Johnsbury, Barre, and Bellows Falls to protect and expand the program.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit in 2020, exposing the policy violence at the root of the for-profit US healthcare system, our longtime partners Put People First! Pennsylvania put out a call to build the national Nonviolent Medicaid Army (NVMA) as a vehicle to unite those on or excluded from Medicaid as the leading social force in the fight for healthcare. We took up the call, and helped to lead the Medicaid Cutoffs Organizing Drive when the Biden administration cruelly and needlessly purged 25 million people (including 38,000 Vermont residents) from Medicaid beginning in April 2023 — holding marches, rallies, outreach days, and door knocking across the state. Now with the deepening and continued assaults on Medicaid under the Trump administration, we are coming together with the NVMA — uniting across regions, states, and independently of both parties — to protect and expand Medicaid. Healthcare is a Human Right — Medicaid for All!